Last minute Father’s Day gift idea for the kids to make


Are you looking for a last-minute Father’s Day gift idea for the kids to make that is cheap, quick and easy? This is our family’s effort for Father’s Day tomorrow.

After seeing this idea on Pinterest many times we decided to create our own version made with chocolates that are available in Australia. Or should I say, my 11-year-old son decided to do it and created this message entirely on his own without a single bit of input from me.

In case you are having trouble working it out, it says:

We can’t give you a car (Caramello), a cat (Kit Kat) or a holiday to Turkish (Turkish Delight) countries but we need more of (Moro + f) these Dads who in this crumbly (Violet Crumble) and flaky (Flake) world will take their kids on a picnic (Picnic) and will run (Crunchy) with their kids. It gives me a boost (Boost) when you bubble (Bubbly) with laughter. You’re a dream (Dream) Dad and a smarty (Smarties). We love you to Mars (Mars Bar) and back. Take some time out (Time Out) to enjoy these chocolates. The time is ripe (Cherry Ripe) for some extra (Extra chewing gum) love from …. (Children’s names.)

Just black out the letters you don’t need or add an extra letter or two to the end of the word as needed.

Here are links to our Father’s Day gift ideas from previous years (Just click on the picture):

fathers day tree photoIMG_8502 Father's Day Daddy photo frame fathers day sewing screwdriver flowers fathers day card Father's Day 2011



Father’s Day 2013

fathers day family photo IMG_8508

We try to make Father’s Day a special time of celebrating my wonderful husband and continuing the family traditions we have started over the years. One of these is that the children make something for Dad, rather than buying gifts. We want them to know that we value their handmade efforts and that spending a lot of money is not necessary to show someone that you love them. Having a lot of young children though means that it is sometimes difficult to come up with great ideas that everyone can participate in. We want it to be something that Daddy can use or enjoy, not something he cringes at as he imagines how embarrassing it is going to be to have to walk down the street wearing that!


fathers day tree photoIMG_8502


This fingerprint tree was the perfect gift for us. All the children were able to take part by placing their fingerprint on the branches. (We just used ink pads from our stamping sets.) I printed out a bible verse that reminds us of the blessing we have in our children and the honour it is to be a Father. Our latest family photo was added and we were done. The tree itself is a free printable available here. The whole thing was extremely quick and easy and Daddy can proudly display it at work.

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Father’s Day: Traditions and home-made gift ideas for children

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